For Clay County residents, 60 or older.
Home safety repairs or modifications may be provided to any home the older adult resides in as long as combined household income meets income guidelines.
- Emphasis is on safety related repairs.
- Repairs limited to $2000.00 per client per year (may include supplies & services of paid contractor).
- The client must be willing to sign a waiver to release CCSS and provider of any liability for work provided by the contractor.
Clay County Senior Services has partnered with the following agencies to provide a home repair program for older adults:
Northland Neighborhoods, Inc.
(816) 454-2000
Rebuilding Together Kansas City
(816) 781-8985
Thrive Homes, LLC
(913) 297-9557
Service area is all of Clay County and more
Northland Shepherd's Center
(816) 452-4536
See our brochure for program guidelines and acceptable repairs: Home Repair Program